How would you like to have your words written down when you didn’t know they were going to be?

Well, listen to Job 19:23-24:

I wish my words were written down,
That they were recorded on a scroll
Or were inscribed on a stone forever
By an iron stylus and lead.”

He got his wish! Only from what he says later on in the book, I doubt that he would want them to be written anywhere by any kind of instrument after having been laced out by the Lord.

Still think he’d want his words to be recorded? Listen to Job 40:4:

I am so insignificant. How can I answer you?
I place my hand over my mouth.

So much for bolstering self-esteem! So much for questioning the Lord’s will as Job did.

“Will all of my words be recorded somewhere?”

Who knows?

Have you read Luke 12:3 lately? I suggest you get out your Bible right now and do so. It might have a salutary effect on your speech!

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