Isn’t it? When you think about it, there has been more than enough time for those integrationist Christian organizations to have gotten together on at least a few essentials and declared “this is it,” hasn’t there? They’ve been working at it ever since the days of Clyde Narramore when he wrote his failed attempt in his Encyclopedia of Christian Counseling. Ever since, organizations have blossomed, conferences without number have been held, meetings have been taken place, books by the tons have been written, and yet everyone is still “searching” for that system of Christian counseling that surely is “out there”—somewhere. But no one has found it . . .except a few of us who think that we have. It’s a system called Nouthetic Counseling—if you want a name for it. The name (though appropriate) is unnecessary—except for identification purposes—the concepts on which it is based are not.

Nouthetic counseling is biblically-based, seeks to be faithful to the principles of Scripture which are integrated with one another (not with extraneous materials), and formed into a practical system designed to help Christians who have become stymied in their spiritual growth to be able to overcome the obstacles (whether self-imposed or otherwise) that stand in their way. The emphasis is upon applying the Scriptures, exegetically interpreted (not merely “used” for one’s purposes), in the power of the Spirit to the lives of believers.

The concern we have is to help pastors, many of whom were not properly instructed in the practical application of the Bible, to learn how to do more than preach. It is not our concern to help begin counseling centers. Every church by definition (whether it owns up to it or not) is a counseling center by divine fiat! God expects pastors and elders to minister to the needs of the problems of their flock. Too many are not doing so—principally because they do not know how to use the Scriptures in such work. Hence, INS. If you are a pastor or elder who is interested, please contact us—we may be able to help!


Resources for you.

Study with Dr. Jay Adams. Learn at your convenience. We are an ACBC Certified Training Center.

Visit the INS bookstore for books by Dr. Jay Adams and all your biblical counseling resource needs.

The INS podcast with Dr. Jay Adams features a new (classic) message every Monday and Thursday.

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