This is the first of a 13 week series Dr. Adams is teaching on the Book of Hebrews this fall. We apologize for the sound quality on this first video. I am using a new camera and I had it set wrong. We will have it fixed next week.

Please understand that we have simply set up a camera so you can listen in. His focus is on the students sitting in front of him—not you. There is quite a bit of interaction with students that you may not be able to hear.

We are so thankful Dr. Adams has regained enough strength to be able to teach again. Please continue to pray that God would grant him more and more strength each week.

We plan to post the notes Dr. Adams wrote for this series later.


  1. Bryan Chasteen September 14, 2011 at 8:49 pm

    Thanks for the video. Very informative!

  2. Fred Zobrist September 15, 2011 at 8:05 pm

    The sound quality of the video is actually very good through headphones.

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