That’s the attitude of many (even believing Christian) persons today.

The answer is simple: God says “no.”

But that’s exactly the point—the answer (and that one in particular) IS too simple to suit the thinking of many. They want something more intricate: perhaps a complex logical rationale spelled out in $1500 terms.  Or a psychological mesh woven into their particular background and style of living. It’s not enough for God to forbid something. “That’s beneath me!” they say.

But the Word of the Word, though profound, is simple. It had to be so that the uneducated child living in squalor, filth and corruption in a back alley could understand, believe, and be saved just as the over-educated scholar with a post-doctoral degree could.

Christian, you are living in an era in which the culture (though it’s hard to use the word in this respect) has dropped to the lowest level available in our time as it has adopted the ways, speech, values and mores of those alleys.
It’s interesting that those who tout their superiority in learning, etc, are the very ones who promote lascivious behavior and language. One cannot use the computer or cell phone without a measure of embarrassment. So-called celebs seem to revel in such corruption.

How strange the answer to the question is: the same people who believe themselves to be high class seem to revel in lowering themselves! They are too “sophisticated” to listen to and reject God’s simple directions and warnings, but not so when it comes to wallowing in ethical and sexual dirt and slime!

The answer to the question in the heading is “No.”  Yes! Can we endure a simple “nos” any longer? We’d better learn to do so or we will soon learn what God’s response to failure to do so means.

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