J.I. Packer, in his interesting book, Keep in Step with the SpiritPacker, tells about his experience with Keswick Higher Life teaching when he was a new Christian back in the 40s. He then takes it apart piece by piece in what is one of the most devastating attacks one could bring against an erroneous viewpoint. He shows its origins in the Wesleyan doctrine of entire sanctification, and how it used some of those tenets in new ways to form the instantaneous sanctification views of Keswick.

If you are having difficulty with quietistic teaching, please take a gander at this book. It will enlighten you. Not only will it expose the fallacies of the view, it will also explain how it can destroy vital Christian living. This latter point seems to be Packer’s major concern, as indeed it should be.

In addition, sprinkled about the book—and focused upon in a couple of places—you will discover some of the finest explanations of the process of sanctification as it involves the acquisition of new “habits of holiness.” Packer draws this teaching from a number of sources, but in particular from Romans 7 which, in the debated verses, he quite rightly affirms can only be describing Paul’s struggle as a believer.

All in all, you will find this book not only worth its cost, but one that you will refer to again and again in order to remind yourself of what a true walk with the Spirit is like. It will become a valuable asset to your library. If you don’t have it—get it, NOW!

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