From time to time I like to say a word to you. I really don’t care if others who are not in the program read this or not. But I simply want to let you know that we’re thinking of you, praying for you and expecting great things of you. There are few things that would make us here at INS happier than to hear that more and more of you are out there beginning to make a difference wherever you are helping people to discover how to solve their problems God’s way.
Counselors-to-be, if it were possible, we’d sit down from time to time and talk to you personally about how you are doing, questions you may have, and the like. But with some of you on every continent but Antarctica that’s obviously out of the question. Some day, sooner or later, if it is ever practical, it would be great to hold an international conference of our students and our graduates. It’s not yet time to think about that except in our day-dreaming hours, but—who knows—in one way or another (if God so wills) it could happen.
At any rate. Hang in there, keep on studying, and the Lord bless and use you.