Elijah was depressed.  So goes the superficial reading of his life. No he wasn’t!  He was angry.  He wanted the Mt. Carmel revival to become a lasting, nationwide event that would turn the people as a whole back to Jehovah.  It didn’t happen. Just as in his successor’s case, when people came to John by droves to be baptized, they soon grew cold and went back to their old ways, Carmel soon faded from the peoples’ minds.  In John’s case, the house swept clean invited seven new demons. It was so bad that God wiped his generation out in 70AD!

In the mountain, God showed Elijah that He works not only in spectacular and outwardly powerful ways (as at Carmel), but that He also works in still, quiet ones as well.

That was what he needed to learn, but there is no reason to think he did.

At any rate, we must learn the lesson.  There are usually several thousand unknown faithful who have not bowed the knee to Baal!

When things don’t go as you hope, instead of becoming angry, begin to look around to discover God’s way. He is usually up to something—something far better than you had planned and hoped for!

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