“There are those who teach that baptism is a part of the Gospel and, therefore, essential to salvation.”

I know that.

“Well, are they right or wrong?”

They’re wrong.

“How can you prove that?”

By a verse that explicitly says so.

“Which verse?”

Christ didn’t send me to baptize, but to preach the Gospel.”
1 Corinthians 1:17

It couldn’t be clearer—baptism is not a part of the “Good News.” It is excluded.

“Rather powerful verse, it seems.”

Right. But even if we didn’t have it, we’d know that the view you’ve mentioned was wrong.

“How so?”

Well, the Good News is a report of something that has already been done, not a command to be obeyed. On the cross, Jesus died for the sins of His people and rose from the dead—that, according to 1 Corinthians 15, is the Gospel. This news must be believed; we don’t have to add a rite or ceremony to it as would be necessary if what He did on the cross was insufficient. The Gospel is news to be believed; not works to be done.

“I see.”


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