Cartoonists and would-be cartoonists, have much in common. Their minds run along different lines. They all have a disposition for the frivolous. I know, because as a youngster, before I was saved, I wanted to be a cartoonist. I took an art minor course in High School, spent lunch hours using art equipment that was not at other times available, and bought books and studied art.

Edmund Clowney, past president of Westminster East, had also been a would-be cartoonist. From the artwork he did from time to time, I think he’d probably have been a better one than I. But that’s beside my point. From time to time, he and I spoke about our common interest in the subject, so He knew of my interest.

One day, in a faculty meeting, he was engrossed in the discussion, zealously taking copious notes I noticed. This was unusual, but I supposed that he was especially interested in the subject and wanted to do more research on it—or some such thing.

Just before the meeting closed, he jabbed me in the ribs with his elbow and then showed me his notebook. There wasn’t a single note to be found. But, in their place was a cartoon of most of the other faculty members, together with a humorous caption under each!

Ed’s dead. Most of those he captioned are dead, and I’m nearing it I suppose, so it’s probably time to reveal this side of a man who was a multi-faceted person. Those who remember him fondly for his many fine traits will be happy to learn of this peculiar incident so as to fill out their understanding of the man.


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