“It sounds like Swiss cheese to me”

That’s what I recently read on a blog. Sounded rather expressive, I thought. That is, until I realized that I like Swiss cheese, and almost every other sort of cheese—regardless of the holes!

Few things I like better, as an evening snack, than some Karlsburg cheese (also a bit holy), crackers and a steaming cup of good tea!

But the brother was right in making the point that what he had read was full of holes. It’s just how he put it! As I thought about it, my culinary senses were disturbed. Gastronomically speaking, I’m convinced that his statement was pure Limburgher!

But then, I couldn’t help but ponder how the word cheesecake got its modern connotations? What could be better than a slice of it—provided my wife’s recipe is used to make it (it calls for tons of cream cheese!).

Now, if you really want to express your disdain at someone’s argument, it seems to me that you ought to refer to it as ‘Blue Cheese.!” When a kid, one summer I worked in a cheese and meat store. I was given the unenviable task of cutting and slicing two large wheels of blue cheese that had been aged for twenty years! I had to throw away everything I had been wearing—there was no way of exterminating the odor. I can still see the big blobs of blue mold protruding from the sides of those cheeses-and as I think of it—after 65 years—I still have to be careful not to linger or the reminisce on their sight and odor (or else!).

No, as I contemplate the way cheeses have been used to carry forth an argument, frankly I think it’s pretty cheesy of anyone to do so. After all, a good respectable cheese (not blue cheese, you understand) is an upstanding thing. I say to all such argumentation, therefore—cheese it!

Gouda’ go now!

[email protected]


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