I’ve been asked to discuss the subject in a blog. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be doing so. There is so much to talk about that I have decided only to give a few suggestions instead.
First, you need some converted people—some of whom you will lead to the Lord, and others that are already Christians and express a wish to become part of a new congregation in the target area. Perhaps you could ask the pastor of a nearby church of your denomination to allow a couple of his families to become temporary workers and (when organized, members) of your congregation. They ought to promise to help for two to three years.
Ringing doorbells will still get you a couple of members, but 1) people aren’t at home anymore—both he and she work; 2) people are afraid to open the door to a stranger (it might help to take your wife along). 3) Tell them right off that you are not a Jehovah’s Witness or Mormon, or you might not get a hearing at all. 4) try not only to get some interest, but see if you can find someone who will let you begin a Sunday night (Wed night) Bible study in his/her home. In one way or another, you want to start that study a soon as possible, then get their friends to attend as well.
Oh there’s so much to say about being careful about ordaining the right people as elders, etc., etc.
One last bit of advice (seriously, this is important): read the book of Titus and follow the directions. It was written to Titus to tell him how to organize little knots of converts that Paul had to leave behind unorganized. When you are large enough to think about becoming a particular church, then preach a series through Titus, for the people’s sake.
As I said—just a suggestion or two. Have fun doing it too!