When Jesus exorcises demons, it is obvious from their words that they not only know Who He is but also that they know something about the fact that He will someday punish them. Demonic knowledge evidently includes information about His person and authority but also about His role at the final judgment of men and angels. Their theological acumen is better than that of many Christians.

They make no attempt to thwart the power of Christ, but acknowledge it, and seemingly, note that it is hopeless for them to do so. They evidence an inevitability about things. They speak and act like defeated enemies. And, indeed, they—and their infernal leader—are exactly that.

The encounters that Jesus had with these fallen angels show that their power is not only limited, but also subject to His. He has bound the strong man, and He is now taking away his goods. Yes, like the snake that he is, he writhes and strikes out where he can from under Jesus’ heel, but he is a defeated foe who knows that his days are numbered. His followers reveal a similar attitude.

When the seventy rejoiced over having cast out demons, Jesus indicated that this was a sign that Satan had fallen like lightening from heaven. The old serpent has been cast out, and has no authority to touch the believer (I John 5:18). He can no longer do what he did to Job.

When the Lord confronted demons, it was they who feared—not the other way around! So should this be true of the relationship of the believer toward the evil one and his hordes. After all, the Christian has the Holy Spirit dwelling within him.

So, when you meet a believer who has become fearful of demonic power, let him know about these facts. They are all too seldom mentioned.

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