There are those who are dependable—i.e., to say, you can depend on them not to be dependable. You can count on them attending church—occasionally—or offering the special help needed for which they volunteered!

One wonders what motivates—or, rather, what fails to motivate—them so regularly that you can almost depend on them to be undependable in whatever they promise to do. And, often, it isn’t because at the time when they volunteered they had no intention of doing it; it’s likely that they had every intention of doing what they said they would. Depend on them to have good intentions.

Then why don’t they? Are they simply creatures of habit—bad habits? Probably, in many (possibly most) instances. They learned these early. It was always easier at the time to say, “Oh well, it’s raining; probably best to stay home—in fact it’s a great day for seeping in!” So they do—quite dependably so!

Are you dependable? That is to say, can others in the church depend upon you to not keep your word to them when you promise to do something?

Possibly, you’re even the type who is dependable to call (at the last moment) saying, “I won’t be able to make it—sorry.” You may also have excuse-making down pat. You’re so good at it, we can depend upon you to come up with a new one every time. Looks better that way, don’t you think?

Do you faithfully attend church—as faithfully as you meet with your buddy weekly to talk over sports? Mr. Dependability—that’s you: fits you to a hair. Or, are you Ms. Dependability? The group needs you to bring in that crucial information you forgot the last time you met. But you’re dependable enough that if the group hasn’t obtained a copy on its own . . . well!

‘Bout time to do something ‘bout it, don’cha think?

“Yes . . . but what?”

Go get some counsel from your pastor. But if he doesn’t counsel, you’d better recommend our INS course. Can we depend on you to do that?


Oh Oh! I thought you’d come through—should we depend on you to do it?


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