calandar1Listen to what Isaiah the prophet said (13:23) about mighty Babylon when it seemed to everyone that there was no hope to escape her ruthlessness:

Babylon’s time is almost up; her days are almost over.

God has a timetable! Things in our world—no matter how desperate they seem—are not out of hand. He is waiting to deal with the murderous, destructive forces at work at present until the time He has set to remove those who perpetrate them. When that time comes, He will “give rest” to His people (14:3) and cause them to sing a “song of contempt” (14:4) over those cruel, iniquitous oppressors who now have the ascendency over the just.

Take heart. Wait patiently and prayerfully. Remember, God has a timetable! His calendar may even now be in His hand!

One Comment

  1. Robert Wallace July 10, 2014 at 5:28 am

    Love the post and look forward to each new post. Today’s post was timely. It would seem that God has us in a “holding pattern”. I love Romans 8:28 and Galatians 6:9,10; because we know God’s timing is always perfect. We have been tempted to take action, but God gently reminds us “I’ve got this under control, wait on Me.”
    Say a prayer for us. Keep the posting.

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