imagesToday, January 30, is Dr. Jay E Adams’ birthday. He has now achieved 88 years during his sojourn on this earth. If you would like to send him a birthday greeting you may do so at a special temporary email box we have set for this purpose. Write him at [email protected].


  1. Mark & Cindy Hager January 30, 2017 at 10:11 am

    Happy birthday to you Jay! The Lord used you to teach us and guide us through the mine fields of theology and counseling. We are thankful for your faith and determination to stay the course in Nouthetic counseling. We pray for you often and I hope this is a great 88th birthday for you (just breathing is a good day at 88, amen? :)
    Love in Christ,
    Mark and Cindy Hager
    Kansas City, MO.

  2. John Rigdon January 30, 2017 at 12:48 pm

    Happy birthday sir. You have been a great influence on my life.

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