They asked, “Is the message true?”

That, of course, is why the Bereans concluded that it was.

“What do you mean by that?”

I mean they really wanted to know.  They didn’t just consider the matter of cursory concern.

“How do you know that?”

The searched the scriptures daily to see whether what Paul and Barnabas said was true (Acts 17:11).

“Oh! And that made the difference?”

Certainly. No one becomes that intense in his study of the Bible who doesn’t. The Bible has a way of authenticating itself when it is studied regularly with the right intent.

“Do you think that many fail to believe because they simply don’t do so?”

Exactly. The next verse said, “As a result, many believed.”

“Then, if I am interested in winning people to Christ, I should encourage them to study their Bibles regularly.”

Yes, as well as explaining the Gospel message to them.  Urge them to listen and then search to see if what you are telling them is so.

“I think I’ll have to give that some thought.”

Good—then, go ahead and do it.

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