In my Father’s house are many mansions . . .

Obviously, the King James Version of John 14:2 makes no sense. How can there be mansions within a house? It should have been translated differently from the outset. The word for “mansions” is literally, “places to stay.” What is a place to stay? A room, of course. In other words in the father’s house—which itself might be more like a mansion—are many rooms that have been prepared for God’s own. Now that makes sense.

By the time you reach there, Christian, Jesus will have prepared one for you. To “prepare” simply means “to make ready for.” So, there is no need to change its translation. Jesus, Himself, is getting things ready (or has already done so) for those He loves and for whom He has allocated places (rooms) in His Father’s house.

Do you have any idea what it will look like? No? Well, neither do I. But I know one thing—I shall be absolutely satisfied with it—whatever it is like. Will you? Of course—if you have one to which He will assign you. But, of course, He assigns them to the Father’s children alone. They are reserved for members of the heavenly family. Have you become a member? Those are His children who have trusted Jesus as Savior—those for Whom He shed His blood in their stead.

If you have found forgiveness by His grace through His forgiveness, you can know for sure that there will be a place in that wonderful house. Are you sure? If not, it’s time to get the matter settled right now!

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