For the last week I have been suffering from a severe case of trigeminal neuralgia. It is like being shot in the side of the face over and over again. It is painful. I’m pretty good at handling pain, but this has become more difficult than any other I have ever had. I’m not writing for sympathy; I’m writing about it to make a counseling point.

“What have you got in mind?”

Thanks for not getting all gooey over my problem.


The counseling matter about which I am concerned is one that is frequently encountered. It has to do with God’s faithfulness. I have asked God to remove the problem which I have now had on and off for a couple of years. Never has it been so severe or lasting as this time. But He has not yet (if ever He does) done so. Why doesn’t God answer my prayer?

“Ah! that’s a common problem for many of us—I thought God promises to answer His children’s prayers, doesn’t He?”

Yes, He does.

“Well, then . . .?”

He has answered.

“What? Thought you said He hasn’t taken the condition away. . . . .”

I did.

“Well, then . . .”

You see He answers different ways: “yes, no,” and “wait awhile.”

Often, as in Paul’s case when his prayers SEEMED answered it was “no.” You see, He had something better for Him:

  1. a way to guard against pride
  2. a larger supply of grace to handle problems better.

“Wow! I guess we shouldn’t complain, then, but we should look for the blessing in the refusal.”

You’ve got it! And it is possible that later on when this was done, He would see fit to remove the pain (consider the case of Job, for instance).


  1. John Bynum January 10, 2016 at 12:43 am

    I’m sorry to hear that you are in so much pain!
    I miss you very much, and I greatly appreciate your work for the glory of God, particularly your books, and, it was an honor to attend your classes. Of course I will be praying for you.

  2. Judy Gangar January 10, 2016 at 9:09 pm

    May the LORD mercifully deliver you from the present trial and may you know the nearness of His presence as long as it lasts.

  3. Colleen Bondeson January 11, 2016 at 2:19 pm

    Thank-you for this post.I have prayed for my husband’s salvation for 25 years and his heart is still hard towards God.I get depressed about it sometimes but I know I have to keep trusting God for it and accept his sovereign will in this. I have learned so much from your books and online counseling course.You have helped me more then anyone else. I praise God for this and will be praying for you.

  4. Jenine January 12, 2016 at 10:24 am

    I’ve endured this same type of pain and I know it is very hard to bear. May God bless you with strength, endurance, mercy, and healing, in Jesus compassion, amen.

  5. Kevin Backus January 12, 2016 at 1:28 pm

    Praying for God’s grace to continue, commensurate to the trial.

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