It was more than 30 years ago. I was the young (and very green) pastor of a church in a small rural town in southern Iowa. I had just told the chairman of our deacons about my plans to attend the latest and greatest conference on church growth when he said these words to me:

Pastor, I already know how to farm better than I do.

It was, of course, his kind and gentle way of telling me we simply need to do the things we already knew to do rather than constantly seeking the next big thing to make our church grow.
I was reminded again of his words as I recently reviewed this short blog from Jay which we posted nine years ago:

Nevertheless, let us walk on the same level that we have attained.
                                                                   Philippians 3:16

When you go to church; when you study your Bible; when you learn a biblical truth from a brother of sister, it should change your life.

This verse follows up one in which Paul says that God will help you learn what you don’t already know. But, nevertheless—even though you may not know many things—don’t be so much concerned about them as about the ones that you do already know.

The verse says:

Walk (i.e., live, day by day)

On the same level (not on some lesser level of knowledge and behavior but living up to what you have . . . )

Attained (You have a level of biblical knowledge? OK, then live up to it!)

Great wisdom from one who followed it!

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