Everyone’s on one. That includes YOU. It’s interesting how God describes the pathway of His people:

The path of the righteous[1] is like the light of the dawn , shining brighter and brighter until midday (Prov. 4: 18; HCSB).

It’s a path that runs from sunrise till noon! How descriptive! The longer we walk on it the more clearly we see! The brighter life becomes, the more shining the landscape! What a beautiful description the writer gives us.

Sometime, shadows do obstruct clear sight; often we tire along the way. But the great truth all of God’s true children must admit is brilliantly expressed in these words!

The closer to the end of the journey, the more the way is illuminated. Jesus Christ is the one Who stands at the conclusion of the walk—how could it be otherwise?

[1] The righteous are not those who are righteous in themselves, but those who have been declared righteous by faith in the work of Christ on the cross


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