Listen to what God said to His rebellious people:

I have used the prophets to cut them down,  I have killed them with the words of My mouth.               Hosea 6:5

Whatever these words mean, they surely speak of rough speaking. Sometimes that is all that will do to awaken sleeping believers and bring unbelievers to faith! Is that necessary in our day?

Do preachers need to lay it on as heavily as they can? Is that what our country needs? If you read some of the preaching of Whitefield and others, you will discover that it took such preaching to bring about a change in this country in the past. Is that what is needed again?

Preacher, think about it—has your preaching pierced the outward shell of resistance in many who ought to be living and speaking and acting for Christ? Is that why so little happens in our culture? Is that why Christians are so ineffective?

Think about it. And act!

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