Faithfulness is a vanishing commodity. Workers, companies, pastors, congregations—you name it—where can it be found today? Disloyalty is evident on all fronts.
Yes there are still the faithful few who will remain true no matter what, but in some circles they are a diminishing tribe.
If there is one group of people that you would hope to find faithful it would be seminary professors. Yet, historically, they have been the first to give in to erroneous theories. Is there a new trend of that sort in evangelical seminaries at present? Some are truly faithful to their calling, but it seems that there are also those who are willing to “play footsie” with the liberals. Their motives may be as varied as the persons represented in the group; that isn’t for us to judge. But the result? That’s exceedingly important; and it can be judged. If we don’t want a new liberal takeover of the church of Jesus Christ, it is incumbent for those in places where they are able to do something about it to take action.
Where wavering professors are found, it’s time to remind them of I Corinthians 4:2:
The key thing that is sought in stewards is that they be found faithful.
Of all people, seminary professors are preeminently the stewards of the truth of God. They train the next generation of preachers. As the seminaries go, so goes the church. Where they have gone astray, we must urge them to be honest about their views and leave their posts. There are statements that they agree to when they are installed; they should be held strictly to them.
Thank God for those many professors who still remain true to the faith!