One thing that you ought to know about those petty politicians (and others) who quote the Scriptures out of context, to impress people, or for any sort of personal gain, is what God thinks about it. Here are His Words:
But God says to the wicked: “what right do you have to recite My statutes; and to take My covenant on your lips?” Psalm 50:16 (HCSB)
Who is the sort of “wicked “person He has in mind? God goes on to tell us:
You hate instruction and turn your back on My words. When you see a thief, you make friends with him, and you associate with adulterers, you unleash your mouth for evil.
Know anyone like that? I’ll bet you could name quite a few!
But be sure the verse doesn’t also refer to you!
Check out our online courses, including, Introduction to Nouthetic Counseling and The Use of Scripture in Counseling, taught by Jay Adams!
Books related to counseling others:
- Competent to Counsel by Jay Adams
- The Christian Counselor’s Manual by Jay Adams
- How to Help People Change by Jay Adams
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The Christian Counselor’s New Testament and Proverbs, translated by Jay Adams
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