Zechariah has more references to the coming of Christ than any other OT book but Isaiah. It ought to be studied carefully. The golden age of approximately 300 years’ duration, in which one neighbor invites his neighbor to sit under his vine and fig tree refers to that period rather than to something yet future. It was part of the comforting message that God spoke through the angel who appeared in the vision. The horsemen in the vision brought news that the world was at rest—no wars, etc. It was a good time to build. And, in response to Haggai and Zechariah’s messages, the people finally got to work. For thirteen years, they had walked past a foundation that screamed, “Finish this building,” but they failed to do so. Now, after the “nagging prophet” (as Haggai was dubbed) and the “comforting prophet” (as Zechariah was considered) proclaimed their messages, the Jews began building once more and completed the work in 4 years! Just think that they would have had God’s blessings poured out on them, they would have had a place to gather and worship, the shekinah glory would have returned, and the 300 years of peace and tranquility would Have begun thirteen/fourteen years earlier!

How we put off the things that God commands!

The sinful pattern of postponing that which need not be postponed is prevalent among believers.

Is there something you know that God wants you to do, that you have neglected out of laziness, out of fear, or for some other reason? It’s time to listen to the message of these two prophets—one (rightly)condemns you for your inexcusable failure, the other encourages you by the promises of blessing that will follow. The two approaches, combined, ought to strongly ,move you to action. To dispel God’s anger while entering into His blessing ought to get you up off your duff right now, and, whether you feel like it or not, ought to move you to action.

The word of exhortation and the word of encouragement, come, alike, from the same reigning Savior, Who did not put off the horrible experience of the cross—so that you might be saved and enter into the blessings that await you.


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