Well, summer-type weather at last! It hit 75 today.

I hope that the present trend (it’s supposed to be nice for the rest of the week), will continue right into summer itself. As far as I’m concerned, it can stay at 75 forever!

But of course, I don’t live in San Diego—where you’ll find the world’s best weather any time of the year!

So, what can a person do with such good weather?

Relax in an armchair or hammock.

Go fishing with your grandchild.

Take your laptop outside for the duration.

Plant flowers—phooey on the Kudzu!

You name your medicine.

One thing we can be thankful for is all the weather God sends us. He has a reason for each ray of sunshine, each drop of rain. We can’t comprehend it all, but we can affirm it. And I do affirm it! It isn’t nature acting up in one way or another—it’s God providentially caring for His world as He sees fit. I do believe God is in charge of the weather—I’m no Deist. Do you believe it? It sounds as if, here and there, Christians kinda’ doubt it. Don’t doubt—just praise Him for whatever He sees fit to send.

And enjoy it too!


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