Cloud formations seem as varied as snowflakes.

But, then again, even identical twins aren’t really identical; there’s always variation. It seems everything God made is that way.

Man is interested in uniformity when manufacturing; God in diversity when creating.

Interesting thought—is there a real difference in man’s and God’s way in this respect as in so many others?

Hard to say, but one thing is certain—man can’t even begin to think of the infinite number of items that God has created. Let alone visualize them. Take the universe—all of the planets, stars, galaxies—there is so much variety it’s hard to imagine!

Man is so small; God is so great.

Dwarfs one’s imagination, doesn’t it?

Good thing it does—we need to be taken down a peg or two, don’t we? After all, humility isn’t a sinner’s best trait!


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