Well, it’s here!

“Now what are you talking about?”

Summer weather (in the 80s).

“Why do you always keep talking about the weather?”

Don’t know. . . come to think about it. . . . There, I thought! I like to talk about the weather because it reminds me of the changing times of our lives. You never know whether the forecast will be correct or not. You have to swing with it—whatever the weather turns out to be like. In one sense that’s like life itself.

And much of life is unpredictable—right?

“I guess so.”

But, unlike the weather, it isn’t always so.

“What about life isn’t?”

The promises of God! That’s what. Whatever the circumstances may be like from day to day-unpredictable as they often are—you can always depend on what God tells you in His Word. So, it’s an interesting mix: God’s firm promises; life’s unpredictable occurrences. It would be terrible to have the second, but not the first. Glad I’ve got both!

Me too!



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