looking forwardThree times in 2 Peter this expression is used (NIV) in 3:11, 13, 15. The future objects mentioned are “The Day of God,” the “new heavens and new earth,” and a summary statement including both of those just mentioned. The time in view for these wonderful things to happen is at the second coming of Jesus Christ. At that time He will put down all authority and opposition, defeat death, and give genuine Christians new resurrection bodies. What a wonderful day that will be!

New Years Day is just ahead—it is a time when many people “look forward.” Here’s hoping, believer, that you will align yourself with Peter as you contemplate the future. Forget your New Years’ resolutions; they come from you. These wonderful events mentioned by Peter are no resolutions—they are the promises of God. If you are looking forward to them then I will be able to truly wish you a happy New Year (after all what is happening that could bring more happiness?). Looking forward to them will brighten your outlook all year long.


  1. Chuck Mellen January 2, 2015 at 7:32 pm

    Thank you for the reminder to look to our Lord’s firm and sure promises and not my own bablings!

  2. Malinda Pearl Davis January 5, 2015 at 1:11 pm

    THANKS VERY MUCH for the great reminder! I am ready & prepared to live with GOD in HEAVEN!!!

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