I’m referring to the Book of Jonah.

There are other aspects of the Prophecy for sure, but I want to mention one dominant one. Listen to the following:

The Lord hurled a violent wind on the sea.   (1: 4)

Then the Lord appointed a great fish.   (1:17)

Then the Lord commanded the fish . . .   (2:10)

Then the Lord God appointed a plant.   (4:6)

God appointed a scorching East wind.   (4:8)

What describes what was happening? What do these words mean to you? If you had to, could you think of one word?
The word is PROVIDENCE.

God was in charge—everything went His way.  No matter what Jonah or the sailors tried, God countered it.

Providence means that God plans His work—then He works His plan!

Think about this a bit, and see how it helps you, as His redeemed child, when things aren’t necessarily going your way!

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