Jesus was plain enough about it in speaking to the Samaritan woman. When she mentioned the Messiah Who would come and teach us all we need to know, she expressed some pretty good theology—especially for a Samaritan. And—surprisingly—Jesus said “I am He. The One Who is speaking with you is Messiah.” Wow! And she believed—believed enough to beat it up the hill to the city and tell the men (they were the ones she knew. The women probably had nothing to do with her). Down the hill they came streaming ever closer as the Lord told the disciples that the fields were white for harvest.

Can you picture it? All of these people in their while robes looked like a field “white” –that is looking like it’s ripe—for harvesting. He told them to get with it. Start evangelizing them. After all, he would not stay long (2 days, as it happened). Someone else before them had sown the seed; it had taken root, grown and was ready for them to bring in a goodly crop which, in fact, that’s exactly what happened.

The key here is to look for fields that are white—ripe for harvesting. Much seed is scattered about that takes time to produce a crop which, will usually be gathered in by someone other than he who sowed it. Enter into his labors and help make his work fruitful.

Are there those around you just waiting to hear about the Messiah Who shed His blood for guilty sinners and rose from the dead? If you know that good news, then there is probably someone nearby you white for harvest. Think so? Take a look around and see!


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