The Gospel of John and The Letters of Jesus and John
The Gospel of John and The Letters of Jesus and John
The Gospel of John
Since counselors are so intimately involved in dealing with people of various sorts, the great number of persons with whom Jesus deals in this Gospel (from Nicodemus to Judas) provides rich material for them. Counselors may learn much from the ways in which Jesus approaches, confronts, and changes these persons. No two are dealt with in exactly the same way. Jesus meets each one in his own milieu, often using the elements in that milieu to symbolize the truths He wishes to teach.
The Letters of John . . . and Jesus
Yes, Jesus Himself composed letters (in Revelation) to seven different churches and dictated them to John. That apostle was himself the author of three other epistles. All ten letters give us valuable material for use in counseling. 2 and 3 John are themselves counsel extended to individuals who were in trouble or danger while the letters in Revelation are counsel to entire churches.
The Gospel of John and The Letters of Jesus and John
The Gospel of John
Since counselors are so intimately involved in dealing with people of various sorts, the great number of persons with whom Jesus deals in this Gospel (from Nicodemus to Judas) provides rich material for them. Counselors may learn much from the ways in which Jesus approaches, confronts, and changes these persons. No two are dealt with in exactly the same way. Jesus meets each one in his own milieu, often using the elements in that milieu to symbolize the truths He wishes to teach.
The Letters of John . . . and Jesus
Yes, Jesus Himself composed letters (in Revelation) to seven different churches and dictated them to John. That apostle was himself the author of three other epistles. All ten letters give us valuable material for use in counseling. 2 and 3 John are themselves counsel extended to individuals who were in trouble or danger while the letters in Revelation are counsel to entire churches.
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